What’s the difference between a proof-of-stake and proof-of-work?

The world’s largest cryptocurrencies, Ethreum and Bitcoin, run on Proof-of-Work (PoW).

However, with Ethereum 2.0, one of them is looking to shift to Proof-of-Stake (PoS) to reduce energy consumption and make its platform more scalable.

PoS relies on miners ‘proving’ how much ‘stake’ they have. The more Ether they have, the more likely they are to win additional blocks.

With Ethereum 2.0, each validator will need to stake 32 ether, worth about $61,000 on June 22, to run a validator node.

And, the question of which method is better is still up for debate. However, if it is able to prove its mettle, then it will be a greener alternative to the PoW system and more efficient.

Do you think PoS has what it needs to disrupt the market?